
Showing posts from January, 2020

Finding Funding for Your Donors Choose Project

Raise your hand if you've ever tried to get a Donors Choose project funded.  Now, raise your hand if you've ever wanted to start a project on Donors Choose, but felt awkward about asking your family and friends for money.  Ok, since I can't see your hands, I'll assume that if you're continuing reading, one of these applies to you. I have been able to get 5 projects fully funded on Donors Choose, and the majority of the money has not come from my family, friends, or my own pocket.  So, how did I secure funding for my projects?  Here are some tips that could help you fund your first, or next, project. Best emails ever! Always Keep a Project Posted My biggest tip for you is to simply post a project and keep it posted.  You don't need to then send it out to anybody or post it to social media, but it is important that it is live on the site.  Why?  Every so often, companies or other donors will come along and fund projects on the site.  M...

Outer Space Day

Have you ever wanted to take your students on an amazing adventure?  Wouldn't it be great if you could do so without even leaving the classroom?  Room transformations offer the ability to create an amazing, immersive experience for your students all within the comfort of your own classroom. One of my favorite room transformations and themed days that I have done this year was an outer space day.  If you ask any of my students, they'll tell you that I always wanted to be an astronaut, but I was an inch too short.  So, when trying to decide on my next room transformation, I was easily sold on the outer space idea. Welcome to outer space! Planning for the Day The first thing you need to do for any successful room transformation is to make a plan.  Once I knew that I wanted to do a space themed transformation, I needed to figure out my supplies.  What could I use to easily change my room into something out of this world?  I started by thinking a...